Pokemon apollo cheats rare candy

Description > Pokemon apollo cheats rare candy

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A candy that is packed with energy. It raises the level of a single Pokémon by one. The Rare Candy appears in the majority Pokemon games. It is used to increase the level of any Pokémon by 1, thus a the trainer from having to battle to raise their Pokémon. They can earn the level attack that they can learn at that level also. Each game carries a limited amount of Rare Candy. However, some players have used unorthodox methods to obtain as many as desired. This ranges from simple cheating using an Action Replay or GameShark cheat deviceto cloning. Although this is now not true, as in the 4th generation of games Pearl and Diamond Rare Candies can be bought from the but some people will still use the cheat to get Rare Candies even with being able to buy them. Rare Candy can also be obtained through the Ability. You can also obtain them at the Pokéthlon for 2000 Athlete candies or you can acquire it in the Field of the Poke-Walker accessory. Rare Candy only provides just the number of Exp. Therefore, in order to make the most of Rare Candy, it is apollo used just as a Pokémon levels up. Another important point to notice is that, while Rare Candy is an easier way to level up a Pokémon, it isn't gaining any Effort Value points, making the Pokémon somewhat weaker than a normal Pokémon would have been if was trained assuming it could rare get the points.

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